Mystical Tourism

The city of Cusco, until before the arrival of the Spaniards, was the capital of the Inca Empire, having the shape of a sacred animal the “puma”, where the Inca complex of Sacsayhuaman was the head, the Haukaypata (today the Plaza de Armas and Plaza Regocijos), was the heart, the Koricancha, the sexual organ of reproduction, and the Tullumayu Avenue, was the backbone of this puma city.

Within it, the major ceremonial center, the Koricancha, is the major temple of the Inca religion (temple of the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Rainbow, the Relampago). And on the outskirts of the city of a large number of ceremonial and religious centers, which today are still used by Andean priests (healers), who continue practicing the religion of the Incas, mainly love and respect for Mother Nature (Pachamama), Apus (sacred mountains – great grandparents). The worship of the huacas, or sacred rocks, to the mummies, or mallquis, to the lakes, lagoons, rivers, springs, caves, local flora, and fauna. For this, they built temples, sometimes with very fine and detailed architecture and others with simple architecture, with simple stones, joined with mud mortar.

We perform ceremonies that were practiced since the time of our ancestors the Incas and that we put into practice today, such as the Offering to the Pachamama (opening the way), Baths of Flowering, Healing Rituals, Limpias (Q’uti), Andean Marriage (Tinqui). These religious ceremonies are performed in places far from the city of Cusco, such as Sacsayhuaman, Sacred Valley of the Incas, and others.


My name is, Gloria Huillca (Huillca, means in the Quechua language: sacred). Since I was a child I was interested in the religion of my ancestors, my grandfather on my mother’s side was a healer, who learned all this knowledge of the Inca religion from his father, the same that has been transmitted to me by my grandfather.

I belong to the group of healers of the city of Cusco, who are participating in different ceremonies that take place in our city and surrounding areas.

I want to share with you all this ancestral knowledge of my ancestors and continue to spread all the respect and love to the Pachamama and the Apus or great grandparents.



This ceremony is done to spiritually improve the connection with Mother Nature and the human being, in the three levels of the world of the Andean cosmovision:

  • Uju Pacha: World Below
  • Kay Pacha: World of Here
  • Hanan Pacha: World of Above

The Andean priest or priestess makes the connection with our deities, with our Apus (great grandparents), and the four elements of life which are water, earth, wind, and fire. Each one of them has a great mission in this spiritual world to help people in need.


This ceremony works with celestial connection, where the “offerings” are given to the Apus and the great spirits. We offer coca leaves, flowers, llama bait, seashells, corn, and others. That will help us to improve our earthly life in mutual harmony with Mother Nature.


It is an ancestral ritual, in which a couple is united in a shared commitment with the Pachamama, in this ritual gratitude is offered to the spirit of Mother Nature, where protection and care are invoked to the couple to live in abundance and prosperity. This tradition is part of the living practice of the Andes. This ceremony is in places close to the Apus, which is accompanied by an “offering”, in gratitude for the goodness that offers and will offer to the new marriage union. This offering has different elements such as vegetable products that Mother Earth gives us as well as animal derivatives such as “untu” (llama fat).

At the end of the offering, it is given to the bride and groom as a sign of union where they can put their breath as a traditional symbol of this celebration and then be offered to the Huilca Nina (sacred fire), to be burned by the priestess, along with a variety of drinks such as “chicha”, wine, beer and “Mama Sara” as a symbol of duality.

Therefore performing all these magical-religious ceremonies of connection with Mother Nature is very comforting and allows us to improve our lives in this earthly world, to feel fantastic, renewed, with a great spirit of rebirth, and o begin to shine as children of God’s divine creation and the reciprocal duality between man and nature.